
Lantzville Probus hosts a large variety of activities, which currently comprise:

Book Exchange

If you enjoy reading, come to our General meeting where you may bring or borrow any of the books in our library.


The North Nanaimo Probus Club has invited the Lantzville Club to bowl with them the Last Tuesday of each month at 4:00pm at BRECHIN LANES. This is two games of mixed bowling and everyone is welcome. Currently inactive.

Creative Writing/MemoirsGroup

This is a mixed group which meets regularly and members offer each other tips and suggestions about writing memoirs.

Dining Out

This group meets the last Friday of every month at 6:00pm at a restaurant chosen by the members.

Drinks & Appies

Drinks & Appies functions are held the third weekend of each month with two homes participating. It is a reciprocal agreement where, if you join, you are expected to “Host” a function. Small or large homes, it’s always fun. Guests bring an appetizer or dessert of their choice, their own beverage and enjoy an evening with their Probus friends.


One-off excursions, often in conjunction with other local Probus clubs, are organised at intervals throughout the year.

Golf Group

A mixed group plays golf each month during the season. Currently inactive.

Ladies Book Club

There are 2 groups each of which meets on the first Wednesday of each month at a members house.  A book is chosen ahead of time for the group to read and discuss at the next gathering.

Ladies Bridge

The Ladies Bridge Group meets on alternate Monday afternoons.

Ladies Coffee ‘N Chat

The group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Quality Foods, Northridge Centre.

Ladies Lunch Group

This group meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at an establishment selected by the members.

Mens Coffee

The group meets at Nanaimo Golf Club on Tuesdays and discusses topical subjects over coffee.

Photo Club

The Photo Club meets every 1st and 3rdTuesday, 10:00am – 12:30pm including an on location shoot and ‘show and tell’ with lunch to follow. Meeting location is determined monthly by members.

Pub Night

Normally every 3rdTuesday of the  month the group visits a local hostelry.

Walking Group

Walks take place each Wednesday, normally at 10:00 am and last for about an hour and a half on well-established trails, usually finishing at a coffee shop to discuss current events and set the world to rights. (Dogs are welcome)​